

Aaron Coe
Aaron Coe
January 29, 2023

Dr. Coe joined this collection of talks with a strong word about the intersection between faith and wisdom – the space we are designed to occupy. It is in this intersection that we properly live our lives as God intended them to be lived, leveraging our gifting and glorifying His name.

Key Takeaway

Live your life in the intersection between faith and wisdom and you will merge the gap between the plans you have for your life and the reality God guides you into.

Four Questions Toward Living in the Intersection of Faith + Wisdom:

1. Am I seeking first the Kingdom of God?

2. Am I operating in my lane?

3. Am I counting the cost?

4. Am I numbering my days?

"When we live our lives in the intersection of faith and wisdom, we understand the heart of God for our lives."
Dr. Aaron Coe

Discussion Questions

  1. Have you ever been a part of the house-building process, whether overseeing the work as the eventual owner or an active participant in the construction process? What was your experience?
  2. Are you a planner or do you resonate with the “ready, aim, fire,” motto for life?
  3. What kind of season are you currently in, a descent, valley, or ascent?
  4. Can you think of any instances in Scripture where people do ‘planning,’ whether God or His people?
  5. Recall a story from a time when your ‘reality’ was far from your plan.
  6. What role does wisdom play in the process of planning well?
  7. One of the ways we determine our gifts is by hearing from the people who notice them in our lives. What are your gifts? If anyone can identify any giftings in the room, please share those as well.
  8. Repeat what Dr. Coe shared about Paul “not going to Asia” and “being a witness to the ends of the earth…in Atlanta.” What is the idea behind this?
  9. What does “number our days” mean? What does it not mean?
  10. In your own words, what is the purpose of the questions Dr. Coe urged us to ask ourselves? Which of the four are most convicting and why?

Scripture References

17May the favor of the Lord our God rest on us;

establish the work of our hands for us—

yes, establish the work of our hands.

11For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the
, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
12Teach us to number our days,

that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

Aaron Coe
Aaron Coe
Founder and CEO of Future City Now