Kicking off Passion 2025, Christine Caine centers on the importance of knowing our identity in Christ and being rooted in the Word of God. There is a temptation for this generation to look to social media and compare ourselves to others, but Christine urges us to put on our noise cancelling headphones to drown out the voices around us so that we can more clearly hear the voice of God above all else.
Key Takeaway
We have to change our spiritual frequency—tuning out the voices around us, and amplifying the voice of God above all else.
Every day, we are inundated with thousands of voices trying to tell us not only what we should be doing but who we should be. The thing is that there is only one voice that has the authority to give us those kinds of instructions, God's voice. So, as we move through life, here are five fundamental truths we should remember in order to make sure we are tuning in to the voice of God and ignoring all others who are striving to thwart our God-given purpose and identity.
1. The enemy's voice can be paralyzing if we listen to it.
Turn to 1 Samuel 17.
When Saul and all Israel heard these words from the Philistine, they lost their courage and were terrified.
1 Samuel 17:11
The Israelites were terrified by Goliath, who had not attacked them except with his words, yet the army was crippled, paralyzed, and immobilized.
while he was speaking with them the Philistine from Gath came forward from the Philistine battle line and shouted his usual words, which David heard.
1 Samuel 17:23
David heard the same words that the Israelite army did, yet in verses 25-27, he acts as if he never heard anything.
Everyone else was terrified, but David's response was—
Just who is this uncircumcised Philistine that he should defy the armies of the living God?
1 Samuel 17:26
How can two people hear the same thing and have such opposite reactions? They were tuned into different frequencies. David had his noise cancellation feature on and did not listen to Goliath. But the Israelite army had amplified Goliath's voice above God’s voice.
One paralyzed by fear, one mobilized by faith.
Every morning, before we get out of bed, we are already defeated.
We ask Goliath (social media, in this case) to feed our insecurities, comparisons, competition, and FOMO, and we start our days full of doubt, fear, negativity, insecurity, anger, offense, and bitterness. We go through the day defeated because we don’t know who we are in Christ.
We must choose to abide in the Word of God instead of drowning ourselves in the voices and things we see and hear on our phones.
2. The enemy can use the people closest to you to tear you down and keep you from chasing the calling God has for your life.
Read 1 Samuel 17:28.
Just when Goliath finished taunting David, David ran into his older brother, Eliab. Don’t be surprised when people turn against you when God calls you to something—the enemy will come at you through people close to you.
Eliab was jealous because in 1 Samuel 16:6 it said, “Samuel saw Eliab and said, 'Certainly the Lord’s anointed one is here before him.'"
You're going to have a lot of people around you that are jealous of you because they think you were called to something that they were called to. They will attack you in the very area God wants to use you.
Eliab felt he was the one who deserved to be King.
Eliab’s own selfish ambition was speaking to David’s innocent and faith-filled actions.
In 1 Samuel 17:28, he says, “I know your arrogance and evil heart”
But we see that in 1 Samuel 16:7, it says, “Humans do not see what the Lord sees, for humans see what is visible but the Lord sees the heart”
According to Acts 13:22, David was a man after God’s heart. God chose David's heart over Eliab. God knew something about David that Eliab did not—He had the right heart. Eliab attacked the very heart that God had chosen, and if the enemy could use Eliab to reach David's heart with his words, he would have him where he wanted him.
Proverbs 4:23 says to guard your heart above all else…but do not harden your heart. The Enemy is after your heart—your heart will take you further than your gift.
Don’t let people's insecurities, trauma, or brokenness break you or take your courage. David’s courageous and faith-filled heart put his trust in God.
3. We can be tempted to devalue the things we are entrusted with now to chase after the things that give us more notoriety.
After David was anointed king, he humbled himself to continue caring for the few sheep he had been entrusted with.
If you diminish and devalue the people you're meant to lead now, God will not give you more. Can we continue to be faithful, or will we take the position before God gives it to us?
All of us are called to lead in some capacity; if you are in Christ, you are an influencer for Christ. There is no spiritual gift called “Christian influencer.” Every single one of us should be influencing people toward King Jesus.
4. God wants to use you, not the fake version of you.
Read 1 Samuel 17:33-39.
To do what God has called you to do, you can only be you. You don't need to try on someone else's armor. God can only anoint you, not a fake version of you.
We must combat the temptation to look to our left or right, compare ourselves to the people around us, and instead believe that we were each uniquely created to use our gifts to glorify God.
5. God's breath is what makes our weapons impressive, not the weapons themselves.
The power wasn't in the armor—it was in the anointing. David defeated Goliath BEFORE he picked up a slingshot.
There is never any power in our efforts—it's in God's hands. God breathing on the things we do or the weapons we have is what's impressive.
A little thing in the hands of a big God is the only thing that makes the difference.
The degree to which you're willing to look unimpressive to people so that God can look impressive through you is the degree to which God will use you. God won't use you if it's all about you.
If you can discover what God says about you instead of clinging to social media or your past for your identity, you can begin to see yourself through the lens of the Word of God.
Could we be a generation that knows what God says about us?
Discussion Questions
- When you're faced with the voice of the enemy, do you find yourself paralyzed and immobilized, or focused on the voice of God? How does your response impact your faith?
- How does social media influence your life?
- This talk challenges us to choose the Word of God above all else. What steps do you need to take to make in order to reorient your life on Jesus and His Word?
- Have you had someone like Eliab in your life? Someone who was jealous of your calling and has tried to tear you down? Describe what that experience was like.
- According to scripture, how should we respond to people who seek to question our motives or bring us down?
- Have you allowed the enemy to have a foothold in your life? How can you, as the scriptures mention, guard your heart from these attacks?
- Are you faithful with the people you're leading or the things you're entrusted with now? How can you better honor God with all that you have been given?
- We are all influencers for Christ. How has God placed you specifically to tell others about Him?
- Are you being authentic to who God has called you to be, or are you comparing yourself to another? Why is it important to know your identity in Christ?
- Have you believed the lie that you can accomplish things for the Kingdom on your own? How did this talk challenge you to understand that it's not by your own power, but it's through God's power that you would bring Him glory?
Scripture References