Louie Giglio walks us through Revelation 20, centering on the infamous topics of the Rapture and judgment in the end times. We are reminded that our salvation is the most important thing about us and that our lives and works should reflect this free gift, leaving us confident in Christ’s return.
Key Takeaway
Your name being written in the Book of Life is the most important thing about you.
Christ appeared and came in Revelation 19. He is coming back to the story and Earth and setting the boundaries. We don't know the day or the hour, but we are confident that Christ is coming back, and this is His timeline that only He knows.
Ultimately, in the end, the enemy is defeated.
In discussing end times, we must also address the rapture or "harpazo."
Although the word "rapture" isn't actually a term in Scripture, there is much speculation about this future event.
There are a few different theories on what happens in the rapture—either the Church is taken up, everyone else is left behind and experiencing tribulation, and we come back with Jesus when He returns, or the Church experiences tribulation with the rest of the world, is taken up right before Jesus returns, and then comes back in His return.
Scripture is ultimately unclear on which theory of the Rapture is correct, but we can rest in the fact that we will face the great Throne of thrones and give an account for our lives.
How do you feel knowing that you are to give an account to God for your life? Do you have confidence in your salvation?
We are judged on the books, keeping a record of our faithfulness. But we're saved because of the Book of Life.
We must not rest in our decision to put our faith in Christ as our means of salvation; we must rest in our hope in Jesus. To have your name written by the blood shed before the creation of the world is to have a heart that is bent in submission and surrender and in service to the great king who gave himself for you. You can't just have cheap grace and be confident of the outcome at the great white throne judgment of God.
Having your name written in the Book of Life transforms you into a new way of life, and it's the most important thing about you.
We must call on Jesus fully today and every day for salvation.
Discussion Questions
- What is your opinion on what happens during the Rapture? What evidence in Scripture supports your theory?
- Pastor Louie points out that Scripture is unclear on the exact unfolding of these events regarding timeliness. How can you wrestle with the unknown?
- Revelation 20 makes it clear that there are books keeping record of our faithfulness. If you were to see these books for yourself right now, would you be pleased with its contents? Why or why not?
- We are saved not because of the books of our faithfulness, but because our names are in the Book of Life. Are you confident that your name is in the Book of Life? Why or why not?
- When we profess that Jesus is Lord and our hope and trust is in Him, our lives will be reflections of that. Is your life a reflection of the hope you have in Jesus? If yes, how has your life transformed since putting your faith in Him?
- Pastor Louie mentions that your name being in the Book of Life is the most important thing about you. Have you been living as if that is true?
- Who are you praying for to put their faith in Jesus?