Godly Character and Good Chemistry
Day 4
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Over the course of the past three days, we have uncovered the truth about who God is and what it is we should be pursuing as we date.
As we have navigated through what dating is for and what a race after the things of God looks like as you pursue marriage, we find ourselves asking a final question: how do I know what to look for practically? And does that unicorn of a person even exist?
Let’s get started.
In the Greek, the word for “character” is “χαράσσω,” meaning to etch.
Think of God as a careful artist, chisel in hand, making you more like Him. He’s sculpting the hard edges and chipping away what doesn’t bear His name. Every day, as we follow Him, He is etching us more and more in His image.
It’s a beautiful illustration to behold.
Regarding our character being shaped by God, we are not passive in the process. We are not stand-still statues wincing at every chip off the block. We are active participants, submitted to the divine artist and allowing Him to mirror His image in us.
As you begin evaluating your date, ask: is their character shaped by God?
The question is not, “Do they have a bible?” or “Do they go to church?” Rather, "Are they submitted to the process of becoming more like Christ every day?"
Date someone who is faithful to God and a good fit for you. That is where chemistry comes in!
There are four components to chemistry that we can evaluate.
- Theologically compatible: What do you believe about God? What are your personal belief systems? What are your convictions?
- Socially compatible: Do you get along? Do they compliment you? Are you sharpening one another?
- Vocationally compatible: Are your lives headed in the same direction? Where do you want to go?
- Physically compatible: Am I attracted to you?
As our time together in this track comes to a close, you may read all the content above about godly character, good chemistry, and finding someone chasing after the same cause of life as you and ask, “Is that person really out there?”
While we can’t answer that definitively, we want to encourage you to make a move. Wherever you are plugged into your community of faith, chase after that cause fully. Journey together and run after the things of the Lord, involved in a community chasing after God’s cause.
You can trust that God, who loves you and holds the whole world in the palm of his hand, has good plans for you. He doesn’t just care about who you will spend your future with; he cares for you now in the present.
As Ben said, “In the end, the happiest people are not those who are actively seeking a mate, but those who are actively seeking their Maker.”
What's Next?
- How is God shaping your character?
- When you survey your dating history, what has led the way historically: character or chemistry?
- What have you learned over the past four days that you don’t want to forget? Write it down in a place you can come back to.
Scripture References