Put "Stay" in Your Story
Day 7
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We discover our number one reason for existing and why it's enough for us to continue living fully in the life that we have been given. Today, we will face the fact that pain may be a part of the story for a long time, but God gives us purpose. In the end, it's actually never about us.
The Church needs to create an understanding that God may not take all the pain away on this earth. You may not need to pray for God to alleviate the pain. You may need to trust that God can use the pain to bring eternal good and eternal change to you and those around you. The Church must say, "Take the pain to Jesus and find that there is purpose in the pain." There was a purpose in Jesus' pain, and it was for our healing. He can carry you and your pain one more day so He can use you and your pain to unlock doors for prisoners and set captives free. At the end of the day, it's all about Jesus.
Suicide is the ultimate rebuttal that you are created by and for God's glory. When you choose to end your life, you cannot glorify God in that way. You glorify God by staying in it and leaning on it. If you need help, get help, but stay for God and His glory.
What's Next?
As much as we want the pain to be taken away in an instant, we have to come to terms with the fact that God might not take all the pain away this side of Heaven. That's ok. He's still big enough to handle it all and carry you through to the other side.
- Does it make you mad that your pain can be used for a purpose? Do you find comfort in that?
- Ultimately, out of all the reasons you have to stay in this present life, what is the greatest reason? List them all out, but put the number one reason at the top.
Scripture References