What Does It Mean To Live as a Christian?
Generously Care
Day 5
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As people who are living a Christian life, we are called to compassion. Compassion always has action attached to it. Constantly throughout the Gospels, Jesus would have compassion and then do something about it. In day five, we will see what it looks like to be generous and how we can live that out in the day-to-day.
In day five, we learn that as true Christians living a Christian life, we are to care generously.
To champion those in need.
To be the good Samaritan.
A Christian stops, cares, sees, bends down, carries, pays, and checks in. A Christian doesn't have to be told to tithe because they aren't just doing it out of obedience. They know that everything they have belongs to their Father anyway, but they are also finding ways to love and care for people. To meet tangible needs. God has met and will meet every need of His children, and His children help take care of others.
A Christian just wants people to know that God sees them, cares for them, and has a purpose and plan for them. God has what you need.
What's next?
Louie asked a pointed question. Are you doing anything personally? Are you investing? Are you helping to meet the needs of others? Generosity is an easy way to have an open door to show the love of God and let people know that they are never off of God's radar.
- If you don't have a lot of extra money or are on a strict budget yourself to pay your own bills, are there any other ways you can be generous?
- Can you give of your time? Do you have a home that you can open for a small group? For someone to have a place to get their feet under them? A skill that you can teach or use to help someone?