What Does It Mean To Live as a Christian?
Extend Grace
Day 3
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How do we reconcile with grace and truth? Are we really to extend grace? Won't that make people take advantage of it? In day three, we will look at what it truly means to extend grace.
The two are not pitted against each other, they support each other when used properly and in the right spirit. Jesus defined Himself as the Truth in John 14:6, so He is definitely not against it. But He also is the epitome of grace and introduced us to it through stories and parables.
Today, we are going to take a deeper dive into grace and discover why, if we are to be true Christ followers, we will extend it.
So far, we have learned that to live like a Christian, we are going to be Christ-like and be in love with God. Today, we will focus on the third point: extend grace.
John 1:14 says that Jesus is both grace and truth. No one is preaching to abuse grace and do whatever you want to do. Jesus is truth, but He also offers grace, and that is something the world has never seen before.
In Luke 15:18-20, we are told the parable of a son who so disrespects his father that he might have well said, I wish you were dead. He asked for his inheritance early and went and blew it on women and wild living. Eventually, the lost son came to his senses and acknowledged that he had sinned and asked his father if he could be a hired servant rather than be accepted again as his son. Why? Because he grew up in the law and had no concept of grace. That's why when the father ran to him it was so shocking! A mature, Jewish father would never be caught running, especially to a son who had ruined his life. The father was introducing grace and lavished his goodness on the son.
God does not give us what we deserve. He gave that to Jesus and gave us what Jesus deserved: grace. Therefore, a Christian should lead with grace because we remember where we came from and know we have a long way to go until God is finished with us. God gives us grace every day. He cares just as much about truth and consequences, but He met us with grace this morning. He tells you the truth, but He meets you with grace.
What's next?
As a whole, the culture seems to have put truth and grace at odds with each other. If you are heavy truth, than no one can live up to that standard and you are stuck striving in a life that usually leads to legalism. If you are all about the grace, and truth doesn't matter, than you are free to do whatever you want because there's always grace. There's no standards, no expectations, you just do you and use up all the grace you can. No one is actually preaching that from the pulpit, but people want to take sides on the issue. How have you seen grace be exploited or truth be taken to the furthest degree?
- Think about the grace you have been shown in your life. Recount at least three ways that the Father has shown you grace, where you received what you didn't deserve.
- Why is it so important that we show this to others? If we remember how far we have come and how much further we have to go, how does that inform how much grace to extend?
- Is there a person you need to extend some grace to this week?