Aaron Coe
Founder and CEO of Future City Now
Expanding Your Orbit
Dr. Aaron Coe joins us for another week of our Orbit collection, focusing on expanding the orbit of our relationships and our gospel impact by living generous lives. God has entrusted us with various resources, and it’s our responsibility to steward them for His glory.

Aaron Coe
| Nov 24
Expanding Your Orbit
Dr. Aaron Coe joins us for another week of our Orbit collection, focusing on expanding the orbit of our relationships and our gospel impact by living generous lives. God has entrusted us with various resources, and it’s our responsibility to steward them for His glory.

Aaron Coe
Nov 24
Practical Theology: Maintaining Course in Life
Aaron Coe joins us as we ask the question, “How can we have a practical theology that helps us maintain the course of our lives?” Nobody purposely derails their life, but when trials, questions, and tensions arise, we can find ourselves drifting off the path toward Jesus.

Aaron Coe
| Jul 14
Practical Theology: Maintaining Course in Life
Aaron Coe joins us as we ask the question, “How can we have a practical theology that helps us maintain the course of our lives?” Nobody purposely derails their life, but when trials, questions, and tensions arise, we can find ourselves drifting off the path toward Jesus.

Aaron Coe
Jul 14
Dr. Coe joined this collection of talks with a strong word about the intersection between faith and wisdom – the space we are designed to occupy. It is in this intersection that we properly live our lives as God intended them to be lived, leveraging our gifting and glorifying His name.

Aaron Coe
| Jan 29
Dr. Coe joined this collection of talks with a strong word about the intersection between faith and wisdom – the space we are designed to occupy. It is in this intersection that we properly live our lives as God intended them to be lived, leveraging our gifting and glorifying His name.

Aaron Coe
Jan 29
The Track Record that Leads to Trust
God is asking us to renew our trust in Him because He’s 100% faithful. Aaron Coe joins us to encourage us to trust God because of His perfect track record. Through what He says, does, and the price He has paid, we can fully rest in the fact that He who promised is faithful.

Aaron Coe
| Jul 10
The Track Record that Leads to Trust
God is asking us to renew our trust in Him because He’s 100% faithful. Aaron Coe joins us to encourage us to trust God because of His perfect track record. Through what He says, does, and the price He has paid, we can fully rest in the fact that He who promised is faithful.

Aaron Coe
Jul 10
Setting the Tone
Because we carry the light of Jesus, we want to control the atmosphere wherever we go. This week we are excited to be joined by Dr. Aaron Coe, who, alongside his wife Carmen, serves as the launch team leader for Passion City at Trilith. Looking at the example of Paul in the book of Acts, Dr. Coe explains how we can each set the tone in our communities through the power of Jesus.

Aaron Coe
| Feb 20
Setting the Tone
Because we carry the light of Jesus, we want to control the atmosphere wherever we go. This week we are excited to be joined by Dr. Aaron Coe, who, alongside his wife Carmen, serves as the launch team leader for Passion City at Trilith. Looking at the example of Paul in the book of Acts, Dr. Coe explains how we can each set the tone in our communities through the power of Jesus.

Aaron Coe
Feb 20
From D.C. to the Ends of the Earth
Sharing good news usually comes to us naturally, but we can often be anxious or intimidated to share the good news of the gospel. This week we are excited to be joined by our good friend Dr. Aaron Coe, who alongside his wife Carmen serves as the launch team leader for Passion City at Trilith. Dr. Coe kicks off the new year by bringing us an encouraging reminder about why the gospel is good news in the first place, and how we can be better witnesses with our lives.

Aaron Coe
| Jan 9
From D.C. to the Ends of the Earth
Sharing good news usually comes to us naturally, but we can often be anxious or intimidated to share the good news of the gospel. This week we are excited to be joined by our good friend Dr. Aaron Coe, who alongside his wife Carmen serves as the launch team leader for Passion City at Trilith. Dr. Coe kicks off the new year by bringing us an encouraging reminder about why the gospel is good news in the first place, and how we can be better witnesses with our lives.

Aaron Coe
Jan 9
Pioneer Spirit
Continuing in our Imprint series, Dr. Aaron Coe dives into the book of Acts and shares how we can each have a pioneer spirit in our communities through the power of Jesus.

Aaron Coe
| Sep 26
Pioneer Spirit
Continuing in our Imprint series, Dr. Aaron Coe dives into the book of Acts and shares how we can each have a pioneer spirit in our communities through the power of Jesus.

Aaron Coe
Sep 26
From Determines For
What are you living for? A better question… What are you living from? What/who are you building your life out of? Aaron Coe reminds us why these are such critical questions for us to ask, because ultimately what we are building from will determine how we move through life in all its highs and lows.

Aaron Coe
| Nov 11
From Determines For
What are you living for? A better question… What are you living from? What/who are you building your life out of? Aaron Coe reminds us why these are such critical questions for us to ask, because ultimately what we are building from will determine how we move through life in all its highs and lows.

Aaron Coe
Nov 11
The Chain of Bitterness
Bitterness, comparison, envy; these chains are some of the most deadly that we can find ourselves bound up in. We feel as if we aren’t good enough, and so we look at people who seemingly have it all and begin to resent both their gifting and our own, along with the God who gave out those giftings. Aaron Coe wants us to realize the true danger of bitterness, that if we let it in, it will creep into the deepest parts of us and eat away at our souls. But there is good news. Jesus came not only to bring us from death to life but to give us life in the full. He has conquered each and every chain, including the deadly chain of bitterness, and we can look to Him to walk free of it forever.

Aaron Coe
| Sep 23
The Chain of Bitterness
Bitterness, comparison, envy; these chains are some of the most deadly that we can find ourselves bound up in. We feel as if we aren’t good enough, and so we look at people who seemingly have it all and begin to resent both their gifting and our own, along with the God who gave out those giftings. Aaron Coe wants us to realize the true danger of bitterness, that if we let it in, it will creep into the deepest parts of us and eat away at our souls. But there is good news. Jesus came not only to bring us from death to life but to give us life in the full. He has conquered each and every chain, including the deadly chain of bitterness, and we can look to Him to walk free of it forever.

Aaron Coe
Sep 23