Louie Giglio launches our House into a new collection of talks, titled, Shift. God is giving us the opportunity to be shifters through the gift of Prayer, and we are prayerful because God wants us to possess a powerful, influential awareness of Him.
Key Takeaway
How we come to God will determine our perspective, not just of the situation, but of our relationship to God. Before one request is made, consider who He is, your relationship with Him, and what He desires.
Prayer is the steady state of awareness of Father, Son, and Spirit, creating a constant and seamless union of the heart and mind with the Almighty that SHIFTS earthly perspectives, plans, and purposes as heaven becomes visible on earth.
Prayer isn't just talking to God, it's not reactionary. Something bad happens; better pray! It is moving through the day with awareness that God is sovereign. Jesus assumes you are in the habit of praying. "As you pray, this is how".
Shift #1: There is a mind-blowing relationship on the table.
Matthew 6:9 starts with "Our Father", therefore we start with the understanding that God is our Father. We have been graced with an intimate relationship with the God of the universe. We get to call God our "Abba", which is a term of endearment, similar to "Daddy".
Matthew 18:3-4 applauds the mindset of a child. Whenever a father hears, "Daddy, will you...", "Daddy, could you...", "Daddy, can you..." it pierces his heart and grabs his attention. The same is true for Our Father. God is moving out of love and purpose, to bless us because He wants the best for us. He is saying, "Come first as my child."
Calling out to your Father moves His heart...God's heart! He is not against you, He is for you. He's also not another version of your earthly dad, He is the perfection of your earthly dad. Everything you needed your dad to be, God is that and more.
Shift #2: Reframing every moment.
Matthew 6:9 continues "Hallowed be Your name". Hallowed means holy and holy means set apart. So we come to Our Father as a child and are embraced by Him, but we also are aware that he is set apart, it's a Holy Hug. We still have not asked for or told God anything at this point, all we have said is that We are His children and He is holy.
See 2 Chronicles 20:5-12 and Acts 4:23-29. In both passages, the people of God are in trouble, but instead of asking for anything, they focus on who God is. When the rulers are plotting to take you out, this is a glorious reframe.
Our God is sovereign and running the affairs of the universe, hallowed be His name! We gaze upon His Majesty. He is reframing the chaos on earth. Take one minute before you speak in prayer and just consider who He is. See Revelation 19:11-16
Shift #3: Divine exchange of wills.
Matthew 6:10 says "Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in heaven." When Jesus told us to pray, the Greek word is Proseuxomai which means "Properly, to exchange wishes; pray. Literally, to intercede with the Lord by switching human wishes (ideas) for His wishes as He imparts faith ("divine persuasion").
Luke 22:41-42 is where Jesus is praying in Gethsemane and as He is praying, He asks not for His will, but the Father's will be done. This exchange of prayer is where "My will" becomes "Thy will". Instead of telling God what we need Him to do, we ask Him what He want us to do. We get to be a part of heaven coming to earth.
Just like in Acts 4:29, when we face a difficult situation, instead of telling God what to do, we can remember we are His children, He is God, and trust Him. We too can ask God to "consider the threats, enable your servants"!
Goal: To be constantly aware that my Father is the Sovereign King and He looks after me but He is also ruling everything. I don't give Him directives, I ask Him to direct me, and more than asking for answers, I ask to be the answer so that earth can see heaven in me.
Are you praying as a loved child?
Are you pausing to remember who He is?
Are you being molded from "My" to "Thy" will be done?
Discussion Questions
- What is your normal mode of prayer? Constant communication? Reactionary? Last Resort?
- Are you praying as a loved child?
- Do you believe God is moving on your behalf? For you?
- No matter your relationship with your earthly father, how does the Father far exceed it?
- Are you pausing to remember who God the Father is?
- How have we as a society pushed past hallowing the name of God?
- What does hallowed mean?
- Have you ever thought of prayer as the definition Louie Giglio gave?
- Have you ever had to put into action the words of Acts 4:29?
- Are you being molded from "My" will to "Thy" will?