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Simple Pursuit is a bold call from the heartbeat of the Passion Movement to live for what matters most…God’s Glory. And God is most glorified in us when we live lives that are fully satisfied in Him. But what does that actually look like? Our House is the second plan of five plans that will help guide you closer to Him and His glory.






About this devotional

Simple Pursuit is a bold call from the heartbeat of the Passion Movement to live for what matters most…God’s Glory. And God is most glorified in us when we live lives that are fully satisfied in Him. But what does that actually look like? Our House is the second plan of five plans that will help guide you closer to Him and His glory.

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Our House: A 5-Day Prayer for the Local Church

5-day devotional with Passion Publishing


Day 02


On This Rock

Day 03


An Open Door

Day 04


Transforming Submission

Day 05


Purposefully Running

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25


Togetherness. God created us with an undeniable need for it. He wove the need for the company and encouragement of other believers into us so we could thrive together. God intends for us to be devoted to our churches and to keep us on the straight and narrow, all the while reaching the world with His love.

The church is the earthly representation of Christ’s love. The body of Christ is our family—the people who support us in difficult times, rejoice with us in our successes and consistently lead us toward Jesus. So why do we find it easy to neglect the church, our God-given source of support?

Because we are fallen human beings, we are prone to give up. We get tired, bored, distracted, or angry—and abandon the things that help us grow. But joining other believers at church is too important for us to abandon.

God urges His people to consistently meet together, not as just another rule to follow, but because our church family offers needed love and encouragement. Jesus is our source of faithfulness, and He has provided a community for us to love and be loved in. Let us then follow His example and love each other faithfully.


Father, please give me the faithfulness I need to continue meeting with and serving my brothers and sisters in Christ.

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.

Matthew 16:18


If someone asked you, “Who do you say Jesus is?” what would your answer be? For the apostle Peter the answer was clear: “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God” (Matthew 16:16). Peter’s confession is the first from any of the apostles in the gospels. Jesus then told His disciples that the church, the whole body of His believers, would be built upon the apostles with Him as its cornerstone.

In these few lines, Jesus illustrates His lesson by using Peter’s name as a clever play on words . In Greek, Peter’s name is Petros, which means “rock” or “stone” in a building. But Jesus uses another word in Greek—petra—which means “bedrock.” And this time, He was using the word petra to refer to Himself as the structural foundation of the building. So although Peter and the apostles would have key roles in building the early church, Jesus Himself would be the foundation. And when the Son of God is the solid ground of the church, nothing can overcome it.

Christ is still building His church today, and He’s inviting us to use the gifts God has given us to be a part of His work. Will you join the apostles and become a rock in your church?


Lord, give me a passion for investing my love and service into my church.

“To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write:

These are the words of him who is holy and true, who holds the key of David. What he opens no one can shut, and what he shuts no one can open. I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name.

Revelation 3:7-8


Think of a time when God opened a door for you that you couldn’t have opened for yourself. As you remember answered prayers, restored relationships, ministry opportunities, and conversations about the gospel, take a minute to thank God for the times He came through for you, when you couldn’t do what you needed to do in your own strength. When we face trials, suffering, and doubts, it is essential that we remember the many times God has provided for us in the past. We can hold on to His promises that will remain with us and guide us through difficult times.

Today’s scripture teaches us that Jesus has the “key of David”—that is, He has all authority over creation and over God’s kingdom. When Jesus opens a door, no one else can shut it. And through the cross, He has swung open the doors of heaven for all who call upon His name. When we were at our weakest, Jesus stretched out His arms so we could be welcomed in as beloved children.

Let’s continue to trust Him, even when we have little strength, for He is “holy and true,” and He will not forget us.


Father, thank You for the doors You have opened for me. Help me remain faithful to Your name, knowing that You have already opened the doors of heaven for me!

Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.

Ephesians 5:21


Submission is not an exercise in manners or proper behavior; submission is allowing Christ to transform our hearts so we can honor Him in our selfless acts of love for the people around us.

Jesus performed the ultimate act of submission. Although He is divine and the omnipotent Creator, He chose to lay down His life for a broken and depraved world. Now He is calls us to follow His lead and do the same: to lay down our own lives and serve others in a world bent on seeking control, power, and fame. To cast aside any desire to elevate ourselves or put people down. To truly love and serve one another.

Submission is against the grain of the control we so deeply desire. Our culture recoils at the mere mention of the word; many people believe to submit is to be weak and passive. But through the power of the Holy Spirit, we submit out of love and strength—not weakness. With Him, we can say no to our selfish ambitions. Today, let’s remember that Jesus didn’t lord over us—He loved us. And let’s freely submit to one another, imitating Christ in our sacrificial love for the church.


Thank You, Jesus, for embracing submission so that I may live. May Your sacrificial love propel me to put others before myself.

Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart. Don’t have anything to do with foolish and stupid arguments, because you know they produce quarrels.

2 Timothy 2:22-23


This world begs us to take what it has to offer. Advertisements entice us to place our identity in how we look, the Internet leads us to late-night emptiness, and popular culture tells us that the more we have, the more we will enjoy life. Interestingly, the more we gain in these areas, the more broken relationships, shattered self-worth, and identity crises we seem to have.

There is a way out; you can’t run from something without running toward something else. Jesus doesn’t want our “put-together” mask; He wants to meet us as we are—He wants the real us. If we turn from the world, fleeing the passions that only rob us of true life, we’ll come face-to-face with a Savior who loves us regardless of our past. You have been given the choice: What are you going to run toward? Will you run toward Jesus?


Father, give me the strength to turn away from my desires and run toward Jesus, in whom righteousness, faith, love, and peace are found.

Next Day

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Devotional Topics

Scripture References

  • Hebrews 10:24-25
  • Matthew 16:18
  • Revelation 3:7-8
  • 2 Timothy 2:22-23
  • Ephesians 5:21
Passion Publishing We love books and our mission at Passion Publishing is to lift and amplify life-shifting messages globally from the Passion movement. Above all else Passion is about glorifying God by inviting people to live for what matters most, the name and renown of Jesus.

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