A Message as Big as the World
“You are not free-floating and arbitrary, but you are designed and destined by God.” We have a big purpose in life, and no circumstance can thwart that! When our purpose is as big as wanting the world to know about Jesus, cancer can’t stop that. Death can’t stop that. No circumstance can stop that! Each of those things simply becomes a megaphone for helping us tell the story of Jesus to the world. And when we are sharing with the world, it’s important to find common ground. By building a foundation on the word of God, we will be able to grab an observation of things around us that will allow us to be bilingual in the world. Not to compromise the Gospel of Christ but to speak Jesus in a way that the people around us can understand. That’s our purpose!
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Aug 5
A Message as Big as the World
Flip the Script
All of us are going to face difficulties. Situations that will push their way into our lives + our dreams, disrupting our perfectly crafted plans. But here’s the truth. Come what may, we flip the script on those difficulties when we decide that everything can be used for the Glory of God, including our pain. It’s our scars that amplify our story of salvation.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 29
Flip the Script
All In
“The unfinished work of the Church is to make sure everyone on Earth hears about the finished work of Jesus.” We are, by nature, consumers, not creators. Just look at the Pareto Principle; 80% of the effects come from 20% of the causes. This means that even in the Church today, 80% of the work, 80% of the buy-in, 80% of the effort is contributed by 20% of the people. This is not how the Church is supposed to function. It’s time for us to move towards the Pneuma Principle, where 100% of the people who embrace the Messiah contribute to the working of the Holy Spirit. This takes all of us doing our part, all of us pulling our weight, all of us leaning All In.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 22
All In
Where We Belong
Jesus is the ultimate place-maker. Through Him, everything around us was created, and by His sacrifice, a place for us was made in His Father’s House, a place where we belong. As followers of Jesus, we are called to be place-makers in our own right. To set the table for the people of our city to sit at and experience all God has for them. This is how we step into a broken and wandering world with open hands and a place made ready, but in order to do that, we will need to be willing to go above and beyond where we’ve ever been before.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 15
Where We Belong
The Seismic Shift
When the Holy Spirit arrived in Acts 2, there was a seismic shift in the city’s climate. Our cities are full of people searching for what is real, what will last, and where they fit into the story unfolding around them. As Christians, we have been called into the ministry of reconciliation, being filled with the Holy Spirit and playing our part in the coming to life of the people in our neighborhoods, cities, and world.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 8
The Seismic Shift
Past Forward
God is the God of the comeback. Our past isn’t the final chapter of our lives if God is in our story—He can turn things around in your life. His will is more for our lives than what we do or where we go; it’s what we carry as we go: the name of Jesus. How do we carry His name? Find out as we delve into what it looks like to live God’s purpose for our lives.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Aug 14
Past Forward
Carry the Name
Louie Giglio joins us to dissect Acts chapter 9, reminding us of the story of Paul being blinded and the scales falling from His eyes. As we revisit this chapter, we see that God used Paul, a man who persecuted Christians, and a man named Ananias to give him sight again. Though God doesn’t have to, He chooses to invite us into the story. Your purpose in life isn’t what you do; it’s what you carry. If we don’t carry His name, we’re going to end up carrying someone else’s name.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Aug 7
Carry the Name
Eternal Impact Through Everyday People
Looking at the book of Acts, we see how God can use anyone to spread His fame across the world. And He wants to use you. How do we make the message known? By breaking through boundaries, having confidence and compassion for others, setting people free, and bringing joy to the city.
Ben Stuart
Ben Stuart
| Jul 31
Eternal Impact Through Everyday People
The Miracle and the Message pt. 2
Louie Giglio joins us to come around part two of The Miracle and the Message, asking, “What happens when God doesn’t do a miracle?” When we face hardship and adversity, we can ask God for a miracle, surrender our plans for our lives, raise the volume of the gospel over our circumstances, and suffer well, trusting that He is sovereign. Even when He doesn’t perform the miracle we want Him to, He still performs a miracle for our good and His glory.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 24
The Miracle and the Message pt. 2
The Miracle and the Message
The miracle and the message are linked together in the economy of God. Looking at the illustration of a flaming arrow, we see how the Word, the Spirit, Jesus’ name, the Church, and the Gospel are why we are all here, sent across the nations to tell people of the One who holds all power and authority: Jesus.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 17
The Miracle and the Message
Day 1
Are we more excited that the Holy Spirit has come or are we equally as excited that the gospel now in the power of the Holy Spirit can go? In Acts chapter two, Louie Giglio highlights the importance of giving God control of your life, surrendering your entire life to Him instead of just the parts of your life you feel like giving to Him. When we allow Him to be the pilot of our lives, we can’t help but tell others about what He has done in our lives to transform us.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 10
Day 1
Strike the Match
God’s plans require God’s power. As we look at the Church, we may have a lot of people, but our focus should shift to the need for fire—something that only the Holy Spirit can provide. There is an immediate change when the Holy Spirit enters the scene, and His power is at work. Though many of us may be living spirit-filled lives, Louie Giglio encourages us to look at the spirits filling us, discerning whether it’s the Holy Spirit we allow to take control or other spirits. He champions us to surrender our lives to God and emphasizes the importance of having a desire for an exponential explosion in the global Church.
Louie Giglio
Louie Giglio
| Jul 13
Strike the Match