
A Liturgy on Gratitude

Hamilton Barber
Hamilton Barber
4 Mins

Jesus, you are the Lord of everything,

The heir to the cattle on a thousand hills,

and yet, when you broke five loaves and two fish,

the first thing you did was give thanks

Teach me how to thank the Father as you did.


Everything won’t always go my way.

My plans won’t always pan out,

my ideas won’t always win,

my efforts will not always succeed,

but I know yours will,

so teach me how to thank you and trust that your way is better. 


When I am anxious, may I thank you for my breath.

When I am tired, may I thank you for my rest.

When I do not like myself, may I thank you for how you made me.

When I do not love my neighbor, may I thank you for how you made them.


Whatever I do, 

may I glorify you.

Whatever I say, 

may I honor you.

Wherever I go,

may I tell others of you.


May the overflow of my gratitude lead me to make more of you.


Whether I am surrounded by family or I am alone,

teach me how to love the people you’ve given me to love,

how to be grateful for you giving them to me,

how to wear my gratitude like a blanket I can give to those who need the warmth.


May my thanks be immediate and lavish–

generously given and never expected in return–

may it be the light by which those people who look at me

see you.



Hamilton Barber
Hamilton Barber
Hamilton Barber works for Passion City Church on the Film Team as a writer, making him the only person in the history of academia to actually use dubious undergrad degrees like Poetry and Philosophy. He lives in Atlanta with his wife, Shelby: a content wizard and unashamed nerd, and their Chocolate Labrador, Baloo: a nap wizard and also unashamed nerd. Hamilton is an avid indoors man, an amateur builder of mind palaces, an embarrassment to the art of freestyle rapping, and frankly he's just generally glad to be here.