
A Liturgy for Your Labor

Hamilton Barber
Hamilton Barber
September 2, 2024

Oh, God who makes, 

who spent six days at work,

who carved and sculpted the earth,

who refined and appraised and saw:

See me, too, as I ready my hands,

As I make my plans,

As I set my alarm

and blink away weariness in the quiet morning.

See me as my list grows,

as my responsibilities deepen,

as my obligations expand.

See me not as the sum of what I can produce

but as the person I am:

as a being with fears and dreams,

as a child of the King.


Oh, King who came as a carpenter,

who did not give himself the comfort of easy living,

who knew the value of a job done perfectly:

Know me, too, as I do my very best

As I finish what is set before me,

As I learn how to begin well 

and follow through

and finish honorably

Just as you do. 


Oh, Lord of the harvest,

remind me whose ravens bring the bread

And remind me that sometimes they bring opportunity instead.

May I waste neither,

And may I find rest knowing

You have created me to find joy in my labor.



Hamilton Barber
Hamilton Barber
Hamilton Barber works for Passion City Church on the Film Team as a writer, making him the only person in the history of academia to actually use dubious undergrad degrees like Poetry and Philosophy. He lives in Atlanta with his wife, Shelby: a content wizard and unashamed nerd, and their Chocolate Labrador, Baloo: a nap wizard and also unashamed nerd. Hamilton is an avid indoors man, an amateur builder of mind palaces, an embarrassment to the art of freestyle rapping, and frankly he's just generally glad to be here.