Oh, Lord, you walked with Adam.
You watched as he named the animals,
one-by-one, pair-by-pair, kind-by-kind,
and saw how alone he was.
You looked at his loneliness,
the first thing in all your creation that was not good,
and you met it.
Find me in my loneliness now
see that it is not good,
and meet me, too.
When you meet me, sit with me.
See my ache for community and remind me that I’m not broken; it’s what you made me for.
See the sadness I feel like a gathering storm and redeem it.
Oh, Lord, you are a shepherd.
You know the long and silent nights spent watching.
You know how big solitude feels.
So, when you meet me, anchor me.
Root me in the truth of Your Presence and Your promises to me.
Point my eyes away from the crashing waves in my turbulent heart and toward you standing on them, calming them.
Make me look more like Christ, who knew the pain of isolation and who promised never to leave or forsake me.
Whether I am by myself or alone in a crowd,
remind me that you are with me,
that your ways are better than my ways,
and that your peace surpasses my understanding.
Shelter me in the shadow of your wings.
Teach my aching heart to look around
at everything you’ve made,
at everything you’ve given me,
and know that you are here.