In this message, Mike Distefano shows us the connection between worship and justice. God is on the move throughout the world to redeem people, and to know God means to move with Him.
Key Takeaway
God calls us to a life of worship, but worship is so much more than a song. Our identity in Christ and our worship of Him will cause us to move with Him into hard and difficult areas in order to rescue and redeem.
1) We have a God that is not aloof to our pain and suffering. He intervenes on our behalf. Since He is our King and who we follow, we become defined by what He defines. So, since he is the definition of justice and truth, we in turn, start to become defined by justice and truth. We find our identity in Christ alone.
Who are you? You are loved by God.
2) True worship involves action. There is a movement with worship that pleases God. He calls us to worship in Spirit and in Truth. Kingdom character always uses its power to serve others no matter the cost to ourselves.
3) True worship involves empathy. Hebrews 13:3 gives an example of remembering those bound in chains as if we ourselves were bound in the same chains. We treat others as if we were in their shoes.
4)Worship and Justice are two sides of the same coin. Worship is about knowing God and experiencing Him. To know God is to move with Him and serve where He is active. We are the people of God and we will rise and move with Him.
5) We have so much more to offer. Yes, we pray. We pray in motion. We put hands and feet behind our prayers and go where God tells us to go. As we trust God and step out into the world, we become a small picture of a cosmic reality that God has given Himself to give new life.
Discussion Questions
- Mike gave examples of how he is defined by "saying the wrong thing at the wrong time". What would you say defines you?
- Who are you and who do you allow to define you?
- Read John 4: 23-24. What does it mean to worship in spirit and in truth?
- Mike said that true worship involved action and empathy. In what ways are you involved in this type of worship?
- Is there any cause or issue that always seems to grab your attention? What is a next step of getting a little more involved?
- Where do you see God moving in your family? In your church? In your city? In your nation? In the world?
- Are you moving with Him or fighting His footsteps?
- What do you have to offer a hurting world?
Scripture References