Louie Giglio carries a Pentecost message that has huge and Holy implications for our lives.
When He came to Earth, Jesus was Heaven's Crown in humanity. The head of the universe was here among us. When the Church was born, the Head got a body. Jesus returned to the Throne, and the Holy Spirit filled the body to go all over the world. The hands and feet of Jesus are everywhere.
Pentecost has two stories. The Jews were on a pilgrimage to the Temple in Jerusalem during the Passover. Some would have known who Jesus was, but many others wouldn't have. Fifty days later, Jews would return for the Feast of Weeks.
For Jesus, He died, was buried, and rose again. He showed Himself to hundreds and ascended to Heaven, but He told them to wait until the Spirit came.
Acts 2:1-4.
- The Spirit comes and something supernatural happens. The people started speaking in other languages. It was God proving that He doesn't do things in a normal way.
The story we are in is a supernatural story. Resurrection is at its center and it's a mission that you can't do in your own strength. He is offering us supernatural, Holy Spirit power.
Acts 2:5-11
- A global event took place on our first day as a Church. God's heart is for all people to hear the Gospel.
- The people heard them declaring the wonders of God in their own mother tongue.
- One of the reasons the Church exists is so that every person can hear the declaring of the wonders of God in their heart language.
- The blowing of a mighty wind that blew at Pentecost; that wind is of the Holy Spirit of God and that wind is still blowing today.
The Holy Spirit does not belong to a certain denomination. He belongs to the people of God. To the followers of Jesus was the Holy Spirit poured out. He had been promised all the way back in Joel, the prophesying was so that people would be saved, and that's why Peter calls their attention to it. The mission is that there is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and the Spirit is available to you, to empower you so you can take your place in His story.
When you enter through faith, you're born again and the Holy Spirit indwells Himself in you. It's one thing to have Him in you, but have you made yourself available to Him to empower you? Have you asked Him to completely control and invade your life?
The wind of the Holy Spirit is not primarily blowing to make your life better, it's blowing so that every person can hear the Gospel in their own language.
There are a billion people on Earth living in "Bible Poverty." They don't have a Bible in their own language. They don't have the gospel available to them in a way that makes sense to them.
2 Corinthians 4:4. There is an assault by the enemy to blind people to the Gospel. The images that are filling the culture are not the image of God. Christ is not seen because the enemy of God had blinded the mind of the unbeliever.
2 Corinthians 4:6. The knowledge of God is in the light of Jesus.
2 Corinthians 4:7. The all-surpassing power is from God, not us. We are staying on mission.
The Holy Spirit constantly points to a resurrection message. He empowers us to talk about how Jesus is life.
- Acts 2:22-24. Peter, empowered by the Holy Spirit, shares and clarifies the heartbeat of the Gospel: Jesus.
- You may be the only person on the planet calling out to Heaven on behalf of that one individual you interact with.
The Holy Spirit is blowing into the Church.
Pentecost was the day the Church was born. 3,000 on the first day! That's called a supernatural move of God. The people heard the Gospel. were convicted, repented, saved, and baptized. What is the Holy Spirit doing in the Church today?
Discussion Questions
- What was the phrase Louie used for Jesus when He was here on earth?
- If Christ is the Head and the Church is the body, what brings the body to life? How is the Church the hands and feet of Jesus?
- Why were so many people in town fifty days after Passover?
- Read Acts 2:1-4. What supernatural act did God do proving He doesn't do things in a normal way?
- What were the people hearing? See Acts 2:11.
- Who does the Holy Spirit belong to?
- Have you made yourself available to the Holy Spirit to empower you? Have you asked Him to completely control and invade your life?
- What is the main purpose of the Holy Spirit on Earth?
- What are you doing to partner with the Holy Spirit to further the Gospel being spread in every language.
- Who can you call on Heaven for?