Continuing in our current collection of talks, Nothing Wasted, Louie Giglio talks about the invitation God extends to us by knocking on our door. What does it look like to open that door and step into a relationship with Him?
Key Takeaway
Don't waste your invitation. Start fully engaging now with what you expect to finally experience forever.
The God who spoke the universe into existence currently is standing outside your door.
Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me.
Revelation 3:20
He means if ANYONE opens the door, He'll come in. God's Word has the power to change how you see yourself, and everything hinges on that. Why is Jesus standing on the other side of the door?
Colossians 1:15-16 answers both questions: who am I, and why am I here?
Your life matters because there are no accidental people. You were created by Jesus. God is in the equation. You are here for God, created for God.
We have done a great job of inverting this and making ourselves the center of the story. Your highest value is to give yourself to the God who created you for Himself.
- You are purposed, valued, and wanted.
- God sees something attractive about you that compels Him to invite you to be His friend.
- We think God can't see us, and we're unnoticed, but He's on your porch knocking on the door.
Don't water your invitation to have dinner with the King. This isn't something to miss.
We don't need to feel guilty and say to ourselves, "Oh man, I've blown it. I need to be spending more time with Jesus." We need to awaken to the fact that Jesus wants to spend more time with us. That's are desired by God.
In Genesis 1-3, God created Adam and Eve for curation and walking with Him. They had a close enough relationship with God that they knew what it was like to walk in the Garden with Him in the cool of the evening. God had a mission for them and wanted a relationship with them. Then they sin and become ashamed.
Micah 6:8 shows us that it is the same for us today. Walk humbly with God. Why? Because He wants to walk with us.
What do we learn from Genesis 5?
- When God created man, He made Him in the likeness of God. What He loves about you is that He's woven into you. What He's pursuing in you is Himself in you.
- Six generations away from the couple that had wrecked the plan, Enoch lived 365 years and walked faithfully with God. He walked with Him and was no more. Hebrews 11:5 says Enoch pleased God. He didn't waste his invitation to walk with Him.
- Enoch figured out that yes, God can make him feel amazing, but he can make God feel amazing because he was made by and for Him and walked all his days in that truth.
Why don't we answer the door?
- We can't hear because it's too loud. 2 Timothy 3:1-4 says people became lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. Christians included. It's ironic that we look forward to an eternity with Jesus, but we spend no time with Him now. We've lost our appetite for intimacy with God.
- We're too busy working for God than spending time with Him. Revelation 3:15-18 states that God wants us all in or all out. It's not useful or helpful to be lukewarm. It doesn't work in the middle. We think we have what we need because we are rich, but we need Jesus to cover all we've done. We think we're good enough for God, but no one is. We're too busy being at church, but not walking with God in every area.
- Things are such a wreck. There's no way you can let someone in and see the mess. But the thing is, Jesus can see through the door. He still wants in. His scars on His hands and feet purchased the right to be at the door. The hinges on it are mercy, grace, and the blood of Jesus. The door can open because Jesus has already paid the price for you to welcome Him in.
Don't waste your invitation by beginning to fully engage now what you expect to finally experience forever.
Let walking with God on earth be a seamless transition when you walk with Him in heaven.
Discussion Questions
- Have you ever thought about how God spoke the universe into being, but He is standing at your door knocking? See Revelation 3:20.
- What does Revelation 3:20 promise to the one who opens the door? What is the significance of that?
- Read Colossians 1:15-16. How does this answer the question of why Jesus is standing at the door?
- We often resist opening the door because we don't want God to see our mess. Why is that ironic?
- What is the mission that God had for Adam and Eve? What was their relationship with God? How did it all go wrong? See Genesis 1-3.
- Read Genesis 5:25 and 11:5. What did Enoch do that so pleased God? How can we do the same?
- Pastor Louie gave reasons for not answering the door when Jesus is knocking. One of them was it's simply too loud and we can't hear it. How have we succumbed to the world around us in this way? Reference 2 Timothy 3:1-4.
- What is the main point of Revelation 3:15-18? Why does Jesus use these descriptions?
- Overall, do you have a hard time believing that God wants to spend time with you? Why?
- What can you do this week to intentionally spend time with God? Not because you have to, but because He delights in being with you.
Scripture References