In Part 4 of the Kings and Kingdoms collection, Ben Stuart introduces us to King David. This message focuses on why God chose David to be king and how he is a foreshadowing of the one true King.
Key Takeaway
God is completely in control and sovereign in His choices. In order to be raised up into a leader worth following, you have to be devoted to the God who never fails and allow Him to shape and mold you into an effective leader.
Saul's insecurity led him to indecision, ignorance, and idolatry which left the nation of God lacking a moral leader. Samuel and God both grieve over Saul's actions; but where Samuel is grieving over a broken past and disappointment, God sees the bright future of promise.
1) God's Sovereign Choice: He chooses who rules.
God doesn't fail. The King is always on His Throne.
Despairing in disappointment over what turned out completely the opposite of what we were expecting is the worst sin of the Believer because we have a God who cannot be stopped and will accomplish His purpose. Our stories begin when our preconceived plans fail.
Samuel is scared because he has to anoint a new king and Saul has already proven himself dangerous. When insecurity gets power, the world trembles because the insecure make everything about themselves. Fear not, God is always in the driver's seat and provided a way out for Samuel.
2) God's Surprising Choice: He disrupts convention.
We look at the outward appearance, power, money, fame, and success. They are good gifts but make bad gods. God sees the heart, thoughts, and motivations of a person.
So when God chooses David, He purposely disrupts the status quo. David is the smallest and the youngest of all the brothers. However, what looks like his weakness is actually his strength and would help him defeat Goliath.
What does it mean to be a "man after God's own heart"?
David was a shepherd and that taught him how to take care, responsibility, and lead. He was surrounded by solitude. In that time totally devoted to the Lord, he became skillful and honed his craft of shepherding, playing his harp, and becoming a man of courage. The solitude forged in him a sincere and undivided heart.
When God wants to use someone, He'll often lead them to the quiet place and have them serve in obscure places.
3) God's Spirit on His chosen: The Holy Spirit dwells.
The Spirit of God rushed upon David. This did not promise an easy life for him, but instead, a life of impact.
As the Spirit came upon David it left Saul. This does not happen to any believers post-Pentecost. After Pentecost, when all believers are filled with the Spirit, He promises to be with us always and is a deposit of what is to come. God empowers the fulfillment of His promises and puts power behind His Priorities.
God harms Saul as an act of mercy. Saul had increasing paranoia and was becoming more and more dangerous to those around him, so God restrained the evil in him by incapacitating him. However, in God's grace, he still allowed Saul to be comforted and the evil spirit to leave when David would play the harp for him. Even in Saul's torment, God still blessed him.
4) God shows us some of the characteristics He desires in leaders through David's example.
- Skilled technically
- Warrior, valor
- Prudent, knows when and when not to speak
- Good presence, handsome
- Blessed by God, the Lord is with him
5) How to study the life of David?
- Historically
- Personally apply it (solitude, skillful, sincere heart)
- Prophetically, David points to our salvation in Jesus
We are Samuel, looking towards external things to make us feel safe and comfortable. We are Saul, the Spirit of God left us when we forsook Him.
We need a King, the Son of David, Emmanuel, and God with us.
Jesus is our Sovereign King, Surprising King, Shepherding King, and Servant King.
Discussion Questions
- Ben Stuart said that 1 Samuel 16 is more about God than it is about David even though the chapter is about his anointing. In what ways did you see God at work?
- It's OK to grieve when what you thought was the right decision turns out to be the wrong decision. Do you usually continue to grieve like Samuel or do you look to the future like God did?
- Saul's insecurity affected everyone around him. Have you ever been affected by someone else's insecurity in a way that made you uncomfortable? Have you ever been so insecure about something that others were afraid to approach you?
- In what ways do you look at the outward appearance rather than looking at the heart of the matter?
- Ben Stuart discussed the importance of solitude in developing us into better leaders. What were the two points he emphasized that were developed in the quiet place?
- Scripture outlined how David was anointed king by Samuel and empowered by the Holy Spirit, but then returned to being a shepherd. It would be years before he became king. Have you ever experienced delayed resolution before? You were promised one thing, but then sent to "lowly places" to prepare?
- What were the five examples of characteristics of leadership in David? Which areas is God working in your life the most right now?
- Ben Stuart warned of the danger of contempt when having to serve under a leader when you feel you are ready to lead. He said that people who shoot straight to the top make terrible leaders. How do you become a solid, safe, good leader?
- What made David a man after God's own heart?
- Where do you see Jesus in this chapter? What verses help support His plan?