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About Passion

Rooted in the confession of Isaiah 26:8, Passion exists to glorify God.

Passion Equip exists to see people around the globe know and draw closer to Jesus. For over twenty years, the Passion Movement has gathered hundreds of thousands of people from all around the world to open God’s word, worship Him, and make life-changing decisions to leverage their lives for what matters most. Now, Passion Equip comes out of those gatherings as a place where faith can continue to flourish as people everywhere engage with God each and every day. From the stadium to the study hall, on your commute, or at the kitchen table, the place may have changed, but the heartbeat remains the same:

Yes, LORD, walking in the way of your truth, we wait eagerly for you, for your name and renown are the desire of our souls. –Isaiah 26:8

About the Passion Movement

Founded by Louie and Shelley Giglio in 1995, the Passion movement has had a singular mission—calling students from campuses across the nation and around the world to live for what matters most. For us, what matters most is the name and renown of Jesus. We believe in this generation and are watching God use them to change the climate of faith around the globe.

Since the first gathering in 1997, Passion has had the privilege of encountering millions of students and 18-25 year olds, a sea of young people whose lives have been transformed by the power of the Holy Spirit. Their voice is getting louder as they rise, united as a generation, bringing hope and light to the world.

Passion is more than music. More than events. Passion is a generation living for His Name.

It was that same vision that led to the founding of Passion City Church as Louie and Shelley sought to plant a local community of faith impacted and informed by the DNA of Passion.

With a small team of people, that vision took flight in 2008, as small gatherings began in homes throughout Atlanta. The desire was to foster a family of believers connected by a common faith, on mission in the city and the world to amplify the name of Jesus.

And that’s exactly what happened. Our first gathering was held on February 15, 2009, in Atlanta at The Tabernacle. From there, God faithfully provided, as our little tribe met at various locations all over the city of Atlanta until we landed in our first permanent gathering site at 515 Garson Drive. Since then we’ve added locations in the Cumberland and Trilith areas of Atlanta and a location in Washington D.C. whose weekly gatherings started in April of 2018.

Passion City Church remains a place where the gospel is central and Jesus is always the lead story. We are a Jesus church and want to gather in worship and scatter to shine His light and love throughout the city and beyond.

To this day, Passion Conferences and Passion City Church remain committed to the vision that has carried us for over 20 years of ministry, to see people all over the world come to know and glorify God above all else.

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Passion City Church

We are a Jesus Church. A small tribe of His followers connected by our common faith and a deep desire to see our city [and the world] come to know His power and beauty. We are not perfect. But Jesus is. Thankfully, we are a Jesus Church.

Passion Conferences

Rooted in the confession of Isaiah 26:8, Passion exists to glorify God by uniting students in worship, prayer, and justice for spiritual awakening in this generation. Since its first gathering in 1997, on fields, in arenas, and even in stadiums, Passion has been and will always be about one name… Jesus.

Passion Publishing

We love books and our mission at Passion Publishing is to lift and amplify life-shifting messages globally from the Passion movement. Above all else Passion is about glorifying God by inviting people to live for what matters most, the name and renown of Jesus.

Passion Resources

At Passion we believe resources follow ministry. We’ll never know on this side of Heaven every way that God multiplies and amplifies what happens inside of our walls to change lives worldwide. All we can do is be faithful to follow His leadership and play our small part in His grand story.


Worship is much more than music — we know and affirm that worship is all of life. Yet in our music we want to bring all the artistic energy God has deposited within us to the table, not so that people will talk about us, but so that they will clearly see Him more clearly and worship in vibrant color.