August 2, 2021
What does it look like to trust God in our uncertainty and let him take us deeper in our faith?
This week, we are joined by a dear friend of Passion City Church, Mikado Hinson! Mikado serves as the Assistant Athletic Director of Player Development at Texas A&M University.
Key Takeaway
God wants us to trust Him, but not unquestioningly. He desires to take us deeper in multiple areas so that we can fully step into what He has for us.
5 ways the Lord wants to take us deeper:
- In Prayer. Jesus is fully God and fully man, yet He placed a high priority on prayer. Therefore, we place a high priority on prayer. See Matthew 14:23, Mark 1:35. We connect to God through Jesus. Adjust your schedule in order to meet with Him. Jesus got up early regularly to meet with His Father.
- In Peace. It's the fruit of the Spirit, so you already have it. It just needs to be developed. When Jesus walked on water toward the disciples, they had no peace. They were scared. See Matthew 14:24-27. Fear has dominated us for far too long. Faith and fear can't be present at the same time. Isaiah 41:10 promises that God will be with us always.
- In Trust. Proverbs 3:5-6 says to trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Trust is a 2-way street. Any relationship worth having that's strong and solid is built on trust. Are you trustworthy?
- In Obedience. It must be coupled with trust. "Slow obey is No obey." There are consequences for disobedience. Are you willing to do what He's told you to do? It's tough and challenging, but it's rewarding. Peter didn't sink until he took His eyes off of Jesus. See Matthew 14:28-33
- In Faith. Peter called out to Jesus, and He saved him. It is impossible to please God without faith. Hebrews 11:6. Faith is the foundation. It is never the prettiest part of the house, but it's what everything is built on.
"No man is greater than his prayer life. The pulpit can be used as a shop window to put man's gifts on display, but the prayer closet allows no room for showing off."
Leonard Ravenhill
Discussion Questions
- as God ever spoken to you clearly as He did to Mikado?
- How is your prayer life? Do you have a specific time and place that you pray?
- What adjustments could you make in your life to increase and build your prayer life?
- How do we get access to God? See John 14:6.
- What does ACTS stand for?
- In Matthew 14:27, what does Jesus offer the disciples?
- How did Peter respond differently from the rest of the disciples in Matthew 14:26-29?
- Since trust is a 2-way street. Would the people in your life consider you a trustworthy person?
- Read Matthew 14:28-29. Are you willing to do what God is telling you to do?
- When Peter cried out to Jesus in Matthew 14:30-31, what was he expressing? How was Jesus growing him?
Scripture References

Mikado Hinson
Director of Player Development for the Texas A&M University football team