Passion City Church Atlanta
All Collections
The One Thing
We are told in scripture that though the years ahead will have uncertainty, we can have an unshakable hope, as an anchor for our souls, firm and secure (Hebrews 6:9).

The One Thing
Grace & Glory
Join us for this special Advent collection, which centers on God’s grace & glory that have been there since the very beginning and is available all the way until the end.

Grace & Glory
Orbit is a collection of talks centered on the need for followers of Jesus to share the Gospel with others. As we study the Word of God, we see that God called us to live on mission, and this great commission is not merely a suggestion but a command.

All Consuming Fire
Louie Giglio leads us in a study through the book of Revelation.

All Consuming Fire
Epicenter is the death-defeating, shame-erasing, Spirit-filling, overarching, all-victorious power of the finished work of Christ. This collection focuses on Romans 8 with teaching from Louie Giglio. We see how this chapter, arguably known as the greatest chapter in the Bible, includes truth for us to cling to as believers and a better understanding of the character of God and His love for us as His children.

Call on Heaven
We want to dial back the noise of the world and block out any and all distractions that would deter us from fixing our whole gaze on Jesus. What could it look like to pursue God with an undivided attention this week? What Scriptures could steady your soul? What truths about His character could give you confidence for the days ahead? Join Ben Stuart, Louie Giglio, Brad Jones, Grant Partrick, and Dan Watson for this collection focused on the spiritual disciplines of fasting and prayer.

Call on Heaven
Wide Awake
Grant Partrick highlights how transformation in Christ should lead us to gratefulness and confidence in our identity in Christ.

Wide Awake
All on the Altar
In All on the Altar, Louie Giglio teaches us to expand our context as to what Worship really is, what it means, and why it is not limited to a segment of people or a portion of our week.

All on the Altar
Brad Jones & Louie Giglio teach in this collection, reminding us that God’s Church is for everyone—even the most skeptical of us.

There is no doubt that through the COVID-19 pandemic, we endured through days of loss and trial. And while the world moved on, many of us suffered losses that we were pushed to move on from by the tide of time. In CIMEDNAP, Louie Giglio helps us to pause, remember, and take steps toward the restoration of our mental and spiritual well-being.

Seeing God as a Perfect Father
You are chosen, loved, prized, wanted, and believed in by a perfect Father. In Seeing God as a Perfect Father, Louie Giglio invites us to experience God in a life-changing way: as a perfect Father who wants you to live under the waterfall of His blessing. When we take hold of the truth that God has spanned heaven and earth to reach us, we will no longer be defined by our pasts but by the love of a perfect heavenly Father. When we rightly see God’s character, we rightly see that we are loved, pursued, and secured by the Creator of the universe. How you view God informs everything about who you are and who you’re becoming. In this updated and retitled edition of the national bestseller Not Forsaken, Louie Giglio challenges our common perceptions of who God is and points us to know Him as a heavenly Father who is not absent or ambivalent but is available and ready to embrace us with His approval and blessing. Seeing God as a Perfect Father invites you to: see that God is the perfection of your earthly father, not a reflection of himdiscover how to walk in the freedom of your identity as a loved child, uniquely created by Godbreak the chains of generational patterns by forgiving your imperfect family You can purchase a copy of Louie Giglio’s Seeing God as a Perfect Father here.

Seeing God as a Perfect Father
A Matter of Life and Death
In this series, Louie Giglio tackles fundamental life questions such as: Where do we go when we die?Is hell a real place?Is heaven real, and if so, is it somewhere we want to go?Does our life on earth affect our eternity? Louie boldly guides us in answering these questions with biblical truth and makes us acutely aware of the beauty of heaven and the reality of hell. These messages teach us that God gives us the ability to embrace what the world fears most and that we have the opportunity to better leverage our lives here on Earth. This series leaves us confident in the truth that with Jesus—death is life.

A Matter of Life and Death
Out of the Ashes to Dream Again
Have you lost your ability to dream? In this collection of talks, Louie Giglio impresses upon us the importance of reviving dreams made for the glory of God and the good of others.

Out of the Ashes to Dream Again
Putting an X Through Anxiety
Anxiety… It might be the weight on your shoulders, the constant sense of worry by your side, or the cloud of dread hanging over your life. For many, anxiety is a powerful giant wanting to trap you in darkness and defeat. But there is freedom to be found from its grip. Anxiety can be debilitating, but Jesus has already defeated its stronghold. Find true rest in the Prince of Peace and break free from anxiety. Knowing firsthand the realities of anxiety, Louie Giglio shares practical and spiritual ways to live in victory. With encouragement and hope, his book, Putting an X Through Anxiety, will equip you with the cross of Jesus as your strongest weapon against anxiety by: Understanding the root of your anxietyQuickly recognizing and addressing anxious thoughtsReplacing fear and stress with hope and peace You can purchase a copy of Putting an X Through Anxiety here.

Putting an X Through Anxiety
Louie Giglio, Dr. Aaron Coe, and Grant Partrick teach this collection focused on aligning our priorities, helping us understand how we can shift the things in our lives to give God the devotion He deserves rather than giving attention to the things in this world that are temporary.
